Why Meditation is the Perfect Sidekick to Coaching
Through working with Greg over these past two years I have grown as a holistic human being fare more than I thought possible. As someone who considers myself to be self-aware and in tune with those around me, I never would have thought I “needed” a mentor, life coach/therapist, and most importantly a friend like Greg. We first met due to an accelerator program I was a part of for the company. Greg was assigned to us as a mentor to focus on leadership and self-development rather than as a technical business mentor like we had been put with in the past.
As we began to work together, I realized how many unturned stones I had in my life and in my intentions/goals as a person. I realized I fell into a very fast paced lifestyle and even though I was ‘happy’, I was drowning it what seemed like a never-ending list of things to do or people to keep happy around me. I lost touch with my center and what brought me genuine energy and the ability to be at peace and present in every moment.
Meeting with Greg for our sessions means far more to me than I think Greg realizes at times. Most of the time I enter into a session without realizing how much there is to talk about or go over where I am at in my personal journey. Through working with Greg, I have come to learn there is a constant energy flowing through us and it takes a lot of focused work to channel and understand it. To think about where I was two years ago on this journey when I first met Greg, and how much further I have come through my own actualization in my goals is mind boggling. He is a true friend and I hope anyone/everyone can embark on their own journey and work with a leader like Greg.